Notice of Vacancy
The BFPD announces the vacancies of 2 seats on the district board, effective January 2, 2023.
Applicants need to be a registered voter within the Briceland Fire Protection District.
We will begin filling these positions on January 18, 2023.
The BFPD is a special district established by the district’s voters in 2012 to provide support of the Briceland Volunteer Fire Department through land parcel taxation. A Board of 5 duly elected/appointed members meets ~5 times per year. These 2 seats are for 2-year terms, ending December 2, 2025.
If interested and for more information, please reply ASAP to:
Kathy Weber 707-986-7705
And please plan to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting on January 11, 2023 and 3:30 pm at the Briceland Fire Station.