Notice of Public Meeting
Wednesday, July 19
5:30-6:30 pm at the Briceland Fire Station
The Briceland Fire Protection District will host a public meeting on Wednesday, July 19 5:30-6:30 pm at the Briceland Fire Station to answer District residents’ questions regarding a fire protection parcel tax increase due to rising costs.
The parcel tax, which was approved by 85% of the District voters in August 2021, included pre-approval of a cost of living increase tied to the Consumer Price Index, but no greater than 5% per year.
The District proposes to increase the parcel tax by 2.4% in fiscal year 2023-2024, from $95.88 to $98.18. This increase is based on the rate of inflation at the end of the second quarter of FY 2022-2023 from the California State Department of Finance, Industrial Relations Office of Research.
More Information on the Consumer Price Index can be found at: