BFPD Board approves BFPD ordinance

For Immediate Publication

At the regularly scheduled public meeting of the Briceland Fire Protection District Board January 15, 2013 at the Beginnings Community Center in Briceland, California The Board passed Ordinance No. 2013-1; TO ADMINISTER THE SPECIAL TAX ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITH THE DISTRICT. The complete draft Ordinance approved at the December 18, 2012 public meeting of the Board was published in the January 1, 2013 issue of the Independent. The final, approved Ordinance contains one change regarding filing the annual report:

The draft read: “Section 8: Annual Report: The Briceland FPD shall file an annual report regarding the use of the tax proceeds as required by Government Code Section 50075.3”

The final, approved Ordinance reads: “Section 8: Annual Report: The Humboldt County Auditor/Controller, as the ‘financial officer’ of the Briceland FPD, files an Annual report regarding the use of the tax proceeds as required by Government Code Section 50075.3”
The rest of Section 8 remains unchanged.

The Board also passed at the January 15, 2013 meeting Resolution No. 2013 – 1;
CONTIGUOUS PARCEL/FIRE HAZARD EXEMPTION POLICY AND PROCEDURES, which contains details on how the Contiguous Parcel Exemption will be administered.

Complete copies of the Ordinance and Resolution are now available from the Beginnings Community Center Office and the Briceland Volunteer Fire Department. They are also viewable by clicking here on the BVFD website. Exemptions and printable forms are also viewable and available as printable downloads by clicking here.

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