We did it! Welcome to Briceland Fire Protection District.

Or, more to the point, YOU, the voters did it! According to this evening’s Times-Standard online, voters approved the formation of the District by over 85%.

Bridgeville also passed a similar measure, while Palo Verde and Fruitland Ridge rejected formation of Districts in those areas.

The new District will help us maintain a stable funding base, enabling us to keep our gear and training in top-notch shape. As volunteers, the satisfaction we get from serving our community is our only “payment”, so this overwhelming show of support lets us know that what we do is appreciated and valued and that you’re there for us as much as we try to be there for you.

Thank you again for such positive support.

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Briceland Fire helping on Wye Fire in Lake County

Three members of BVFD took Engine 5436, our Type III wildland rig, down to Lake County last night as part of a five-engine strike team from Humboldt County. The Wye Fire and nearby Walker Fire started two days ago and have now burned 7,000 acres, with 30% containment reported as of this morning.

View California Fire Map in a larger map

Our crew will be on this assignment for a few days. If we’re still needed, three other BVFD members will rotate in to replace them. Being volunteers, we have other lives to attend to, so can’t usually pick up and leave for the duration of what might be an extended incident.

Cal Fire reimburses Briceland Fire for our time and equipment when we go to fires in other areas and this is an important source of revenue for the Department. While this is our third such assignment this year, we see it as a funding bonus, too inconsistent to rely on. The proposed Briceland Fire Protection District will give us that funding stability. If you’ve received your ballot, please vote YES and be sure to put it in the mail SOON!

Hopefully the crew will shoot some good photos while they’re down in Lake County. We’ll keep you updated.

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“Briceland VFD” or “Beginnings VFD”—Who are we?

It was recently brought to our attention that many people may not have realized that the crew of the long-standing Beginnings Volunteer Fire Department voted to change our name a few years ago to Briceland Volunteer Fire Department. But! It’s still the same crew, the same station (though we’ll be building a new one in Briceland-town eventually) and the same reliable, dedicated volunteer service.

When you support the formation of the Briceland Fire Protection District, you’re supporting the same people as always, just with a new name. To be clear: we’re not affiliated or involved with any other organization in the Briceland area.

Why the change? For one, we split off (cordially) from Beginnings, Inc. and formed our own nonprofit organization, so it made sense to have a different name. All other fire departments but one in the entire state of California are named after the specific place or community they serve. While we value our uniqueness here, we wanted to keep with the tradition in the rest of the fire service. Also most of us found the “What is ‘Beginnings’?” question a bit awkward when people in other areas saw our shirts or bumper stickers.

So, please support the volunteers you’ve always come to rely on and vote YES when you receive your ballot in the mail this month!

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Briceland Fire Protection District ballots are in the mail. Please vote yes!

All registered voters within the proposed Briceland Fire Protection District will be receiving your mail-in ballot between now and August 21st. When you receive yours, please show your appreciation and support for the service we provide as volunteers to our community by voting YES and mailing it back as soon as possible.

Ballots must be received at the elections office in Eureka—postmarks don’t count—by August 28th. If you are not sure if it will reach the office in time, you can hand-deliver it as well to 3033 H Street, Eureka, by 8PM. Again, postmarks do not count.

Not registered to vote? You can still register and vote in this election through August 13th. For information on how to register, contact the Humboldt County Registrar Of Voters at 707 445-7678.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at bricelandfire (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you for your support!

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All Fired Up! BVFD benefit this Sunday, June 10th

Briceland Volunteer Fire Department will be having our annual All Fired Up! benefit barbeque this Sunday, from 1pm-6pm at the future site of the new fire station in Briceland.

We’ll be grilling burgers, fish and veggie options, with salads, drinks and deserts on the side.

Bring your fire tools to get sharpened, meet the crew, hang out with neighbors and support your local community volunteers.

Got questions about the formation of the formally incorporated fire district? The new station? How you can volunteer or contribute? How to make your property fire safe? We’ll be there to answer them!

Directions: From Redway, take Briceland Road west toward Briceland/Shelter Cove a little over 5 miles to Briceland (a mile and a half-ish past the station) and look for the fire trucks and party.

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Double Whammy in Whitethorn

Last night at Briceland Fire’s annual general membership meeting (report coming soon), Chief Tim Olsen read a tally of 2011’s approximately two dozen calls, remarking that it was one third of normal. As if on cue, tonight we had a double-incident, two (unrelated) calls in the same area within minutes of each other.
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Briceland Fire’s annual 9/11 fundraiser party today at Beginnings in Briceland. 4pm-10pm

The BBQ menu is local fresh fish from BVFD member Eric Martin, Taylor’s beef/pork and turkey sausages and fancy veggie sausages. All served on a bun w/ organic peppers from the community farm. There will be organic cole slaw and Asian pasta salad made by Nancy and Kristina and a green salad with locally grown mesculin mix from Briceland Forest Farm!

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Support Whithethorn VFD—Fundraiser party today!

Our neighboring crew, Whitethorn Volunteer Fire Department, is having a big party, dinner and music fundraiser right now and on into the evening at Whitethorn Construction. There is great food and live music with great local bands. Check out their Facebook page for more details https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=230327540342206

To get there from Hwy 101, take the Redway exit then turn down Briceland Road at the north end of Redway, following the signs toward Shelter Cove. Whitethorn Construction is on the right about 12 miles from Redway. Can’t miss it.

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Briceland Fire’s Second Annual 9/11 event in the works.

It’s a month away and the Briceland Volunteer Fire Department is already working hard to make sure that this year’s second annual 9/11 event is just as great or better than last year’s smashing success.

This year’s BVFD Fire Fest will be held on Sunday, September 11th starting at 4PM and continuing into the evening in the beautiful Beginnings meadow in Briceland.

There will be live music, delicious BBQ, libations, a children’s area and more!

Admission $10 per person, $5 for children.

Support our wonderful firefighters. Bring a blanket, your lawn chairs and the whole family for a day of fun and relaxation!

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BVFD responds to wildland fire across from station.

Will Salter from Briceland Fire extinguishes a burning tire at the Briceland Road fire 7/21/11

On Thursday, July 21st, BVFD responded to a vegetation fire that was started virtually across the street from the station, along Briceland Road. According to a nearby resident, a vehicle being towed westbound lost a tire, causing sparks to ignite dry roadside grass as the car was dragged on its rim.

The fire burned approximately seven acres in mostly grass, with a residence and other structures threatened. With the dry, windy conditions, the fire could have been much worse, but crews responded rapidly and were helped in the containment by dirt driveways which acted as firebreaks.

Along with Briceland Fire, equipment and crews from Cal Fire, Telegraph Ridge, Phillipsville and Redway responded.

Will Salter and Kai Ostrow doing mop-up on the Briceland Road fire 7/21/11

The pirate survived, but with second-degree burns to his lower extremities. He was treated at scene and released. The bird was unhurt.


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