Notice of Public Meeting

Briceland Fire Protection District Announces a Vacancy on the Special District Board Effective Monday, May 16, 2022. An Appointment will be made by the Governing Board within 60 days and this person will serve until the next General District Election.
Inquiries can be sent to
Meeting Agenda, May 11, 2022, 3:30 pm at Beginnings Octagon
We have been stretching our dollars as much as possible but now need to muster a final push to get this fire station operational. Your help now would be so very appreciated!!!
February 6, 1945 – February 23, 2022
Briceland Fire Assistant Fire Chief Tony Mengual was a founding member, and the longest standing active firefighter on the Department, serving the community of Briceland for 46 years. Over the years, Tony held many positions, including Acting Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Board President and Member, Finance Committee Member, and mentor! His calm, steady presence will be missed by all who had the privilege of working with him! Tony, thank you for your service and dedication to protecting the community of Briceland! RIP Chief 5402.
Meeting Agenda, February 2, 2022
Beginnings Octagon 3:00 pm. Masks and social distancing will be respected.
Approve agenda
Approve Minutes of August 2021 Meeting
Select 2022 Officers
Complete roster of public officials and authorized signatures for Auditor-Controller’s office
New Business
Report from Chief Studebaker
Finance report—Joan Courtois.
Review County trust accounts; report on Fall 2021 tax collection.
Action item: move and vote to release funds to BVFD and TR.
Renew resolution of website hardship.
Action item: Review resolution, approve and sign.
Review MOU with BVFD, draft renewal to send to VFD Board.
Review MOU with TRVFD, draft renewal to send to TR Board.
Form 700 disclosures to Board of Elections.
District Procedures Manual and calendar of upcoming tasks.
Ongoing Business
TRVFD report
Report from Road Renaming and Addressing Committee
Public Comment
The next BFPD Board meeting will be May 11, 2022
Thursdays in September, 2-6 pm, for a good ol-fashioned bake-sale to fund the fire department.
We’ll have our new selection of Briceland VFD T-shirts and Hoodies!
and will be taking orders for engraved Bricks for the new fire station.
We were disappointed to have to cancel our annual fundraiser BBQ, but we still have a fire station to build and have a great new selection of hoodies and T-shirts that you can take home with you.
Please drop-by and support the fire department!
Regrettably, Briceland VFD is cancelling this year’s fundraiser BBQ due to the ongoing concerns and increased prevalence of Covid-19 in our community. However, as we are, at this time, in the middle of our long-awaited and expensive undertaking of fire station construction, we are in greater need than ever of having a successful and enjoyable fundraising event. So please stay tuned as we look for creative, alternate ways to fundraise. We still have hopes of a champagne and hors d’oeuvres event December 4 with station tours or possibly virtual tours. If you are able to make a donation, or additional donation, at this time, it would greatly help us maintain the crew and continue with construction. Donations can be made on our website, by mail, or by deposit at Vocality Community Credit Union. Orders for engraved bricks can be placed on our website (although the special 12×12 bricks can only be placed through the Department directly… we can send you the form). We will soon have fresh hoodies and T-shirts available on the website as well. Call (or email) the station and leave your address if you didn’t get our recent newsletter or would like a brick order form mailed to you. Thank you to everyone and all the local businesses who have given support. We appreciate you very much!
Briceland Volunteer Fire Department
POB 1249 Redway, CA 95560