Captain Damien Roomets led the recent S-212 Chainsaw training at Briceland Station, a course that provides basic knowledge of Chainsaw operation, safety and use in wildland fire situations in accordance with NWCG guidelines. After completing the classroom training, firefighters will have the opportunity to prove their proficiency in the field and receive a Faller 3 certification, which is recognized nationwide in the fire service.
With financial assistance from the USDA Community Wildfire Defense Grant awarded to Briceland Fire last year, along with some favorable weather this spring, our Fuels Reduction Crew has been hard at work recently in the China Creek and Blue Slide neighborhoods. We’re creating a shaded fuel break that doubles as a escape route or access for emergency response in case of wildfire and to date we’ve cleared roadside brush and limbed up trees for approximately 3 miles, over thirty acres! There’s more to do so still, so you may see us with our type 6 fire engine and chipper if you’re in the area. Some of the roadway is narrow, so traffic may be impacted while we move through certain areas. Thank you for your patience and support!
Stop by the Briceland Fire Station on Valentines’ Day to get some treats for your sweets and support the fire department. We’ll have coffee, tea, t-shirts and hoodies, and delicious treats that we can wrap-up for all the Valentines in your life. We’ll also be making address signs for anyone who needs them. Hope to see you then.
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of Last Meeting (August 2, 2023)
Elect Officers for 2024
BVFD Report: TBD
BFPD Fiscal Report: Joan Courtois (BFPD Financial Agent)
Warrant to Release Funds to BVFD – Vote to Approve and Sign
Warrant to Release Funds to TRFPD – Vote to Approve and Sign
Resolution Declaring Hardship to Maintain Website – Vote to Approve and Sign
Review MOU with TRFPD – Due to be renewed by 6/30/2024
Review MOU with BVFD – Due to be renewed by 6/30/2024
Exemption Committee Update: Kathy
Complete and Sign the Annually Required Forms:
Review Meeting Schedule for 2024 / Confirm Next Meeting Date
Public Comment