Monthly Archives: May 2023

Address number signs are available at Briceland Fire Station

Road name signs are going up on the dirt roads in the fire district.  And residents are asked to post their address numbers to assist emergency responders locate callers.

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Briceland Fire Protection District Meeting Agenda

May 31, 2023  3:00 pm at Briceland Fire Station

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Briceland Fire will be holding two upcoming trainings

The Firefighter Type 2 Wildland Academy basic firefighter skills training to be held the first two weekends in June, culminating on June 11, and the RT-130 Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher for all current firefighters on June 11. Firefighters … Continue reading

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2023 Fireman’s Ball at Benbow Inn

Briceland Fire would like to thank the Southern Humboldt Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center and hosts The Benbow Historic Inn, plus all the community members who attended the 2nd annual Fireman’s Ball, a fundraiser for local volunteer fire departments held … Continue reading

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