Briceland Fire covering Cal Fire station in Garberville

Multiple wildfires in Northern California have taxed Cal Fire resources, requiring local volunteer departments to staff stations. Currently, our Type III wildland engine E5436 and three BVFD firefighters are staffing the Garberville Cal Fire station. They’ve been busy, responding to a vehicle roll-over in Redway and a vegetation fire in the Meadows Business Park.

Our ability to back up Cal Fire when needed is possible because of the level of training BVFD fire fighters have maintained and the modern quality of our equipment, neither of which is cheap. Having the reliable funding base of the new Briceland Fire Protection District will ensure that we can afford to keep gear and skills up to date, so thanks again to our community for stepping up to the plate for this.

And of course, with resources stretched this thin, it’s more important than usual that everyone be super careful with fire.

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